Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kite flying and Cherry blossoms

Last weekend some friends and I went down to DC to go to the Kite festival and to see the beautiful cherry blossoms. The weather was windy and sunny, perfect for Em's destroyer kite. Some of the pictures you might have seen before - thanks to Em!

This is me and my awesome cousin Mel. As Em and I kept agreeing over the weekend - she's basically the nicest girl you'll ever meet.

This is me trying to figure out the destroyer kite. It was complicated. I was NOT the one to finally figure it out. I think it was Em.

Here is Bryan watching for me to say when.

Look at the 2 handles! I told you this was a serious kite. It almost killed someone at least 5 times. That is why you see other people standing at least 15 feet away from us.

Here is Mel and Darl. It took a few times, but they eventually flew that dragon.

There is the Jefferson Memorial.

1 comment:

M said...

wish i could take the credit. but i believe it was bryan who figured it out. with the help of some random guy.